PHP Programming Languages :
1). Evaluation of Php
2). Basic Syntax
3). Defining variable and constant
4). Php Data type
5). Operator and Expression
1). Capturing Form Data
2). Dealing with Multi-value filed
3). Generating File uploaded form
4). Redirecting a form after submission
1). The IF.....ELSE Statement
2). IF......ELSE ladder
3). Nesting of IF.....ELSE Statements
4). The Switching Statements
5). The do-while Statement
6). The while statement
7). FOR Statements
8). FOR Each Statements
1). Function Basics
2). Advantage of Function
3). Recursion
1). Array : What and Why?
2). Creating index based and Associative array
3). One Dementions Arrays
4). Two Dementions Arrays
5). Multi Dimentions Arrays
1). Reading String
2). Writing String
3). String Handling Functions
4). Function of String
1). Using query string(URL rewriting)
2). Using Hidden field
3). Using cookies
4). Using session
1). Introduction to RDBMS
2). Connection with MySql Database
3). Insert, Delete, Update, Select
4). Setting query parameter
5). Executing query
6). Join
1). Project with Your Choice